Inferiority complex is almost synonymous to the African nation there must be deliberate efforts from socio economists to determine what is wrong with Africa’s sense of standard and values. It’s almost impossible for anyone outside the continent to conveniently buy African produce without suspicion and doubts. But really, it’s not because we are Africans, that brings this negative aura or rather, it’s not as if there is a curse on the black race. Our race has been so stigmatized with being inferior that it has affected our mentalities and perceptions about ourselves. We strongly believe that anything foreign is very superior to what we produce or what exists here in the continent. We rather settle for foreign wears, food, films, even ideas. We seem not to appreciate by ourselves, what goes on in the entrepreneurial and creative industries. Africans prefer to digest ideas and concepts of foreign continents and countries without considering its workability in this unique sense.
The options of African consumers have often been limited to cheap, poor quality, unbranded products in many categories. About 80% of Nigerians who ordinarily would consider buying a local brand are held back by quality, perception of friends and family, or lack of range. Africa remains almost entirely off limits in an era of algorithm and high speed trading. Africa’s antique market infrastructure is a major barrier to enter for much needed direct investment. Haven stated that fact, Africa has not come to the appreciation of its local produce or content. It’s awful that we still feel that for every products produced from within the walls of this continent it must have an iota of sub standardness. However, quality top class standards and highly competitive products and service would fly anywhere in the world, with the knowledge that if Africa must thrive it must become a producing continent rather than a consuming one.
Virtually all African nation export raw materials to the rest of the world, the import of technology driven finished goods is still very illusive. The achievements of African music and entertainment can’t be overemphasized and it’s on this bane that we must look at other facets of our economy. We must adopt a way of life that ensures quality in all areas of our production lives. If we invest in top technology training and world standard practices of professionalism and innovative thinking, we would as a continent emerge into an economically active and a very strong stake holder in global economics.
Quality products, services, standards and professionalism, a superior mentality that is competitive enough to sell our products to the world, a technology driven economy where speed is the order of the game, a mindset of strategic marketing and modern innovations would produce a much more active and result generating economy. Africa must however build institutions that would have professionalisms as a way of life and legislate laws that would ensure non conformity to inferiority and mediocrity.
We must adopt slogan like if is fake it’s not Africa; so we become the envy of the world. Truly quality can be sold to anyone, and colour, race and tribe won’t matter. After all result don’t lie!
Oluwaseun Idowu is a Nigerian who is passionate about Africa. He believes that if Africa harnesses all its potentials it could be the most sought after economy. He is @alphaIdowu on Twitter