Remarks and Result
A total of 198 essays were graded and the score ranges between 0 per cent and 78 percent. The total mark was allocated into four different areas as listed below:
1) Understanding and discussion of the issues: This measures the level/deepness of understanding of the key concepts display by the writer. It also measures the extent to which the writer was able to address the key issues in the topic and the strength of the argument as relate to the topic under discussion
2) Organization and clarity of thought: This measures the extent at which the writer was able to convey his message clearly and the appropriateness of the method of organization.
3) Presentation and prose: This measures the flow and how the choice of word helps in conveying the message .
Broadly, the performance seems to be on the average.Some writers displayed very high level understanding of pro-market principles while some copied and submitted non-original essays.
Winners are:
-1ST Prize = Oluwanifise Moses Abiodun( Obafemi Awolowo University-Nigeria)
-2ND Prize=Omoh Nicholas Kelubia (University of Benin-Nigeria)
-3RD Prize=Dave Mankhokwe Namusanya (University of Malawi)
(2)-4TH Prize =Ojo Hannah Modupe (Obafemi Awolowo University-Nigeria) and Marcus Adeniyi (University of Ilorin)
Consolation Prizes
– Igono Victor Ojonugwa (Ahmadu Bello University-Zaria)
– Wasswa Mattia (Gulu University-Uganda)
– Wasike N Wamalwa (Moi University-Kenya)
– Julius Odeke ( Makarere University-Uganda)
– EKere Godwin (University of Jos-Nigeria)
– Seid Demeke Mekonnen (Mekelle University-Ethiopia)
– Egbune Onyeloni (Delta State University-Nigeria)
– Nelson Custódio Raúl Vidro (Quelimane-Mozambique)
– Wiredu Darlington (University of Ghana Business School)
We say congratulations to all the winners
Please get in touch with Adedayo Thomas at adedayo.thomas@gmail.comto redeem your prizes.