Professor George Ayittey's name evokes freedom especially against the background of Africa's quest to free itself completely from never-do-well protectionist economies, the remnants of old military eras of leadership and the remains of sit-tight rulers across the continent. With Africa still not completely where it ought to be politically an economically, has offered the light to the continent's path to growth, economic development and prosperity. Who better to put a foreword to that project but the consistently fearless words of Professor Ayittey?
With writers like Franklin Cudjoe leading the way in a line-up that includes the young Kenyan Libertarian Alex Ndungu and trusted heads like Rejoice Ngwenya, Bright Simons, Kofi Bentil even as the Chofor Che brings his touch of excellence into the plate, this is one book all Africans should not just read and its content adopted, it should be a regular in the shelves of generation to come. Everything may fade, but men will always prefer the fresh air of freedom over anything else. "Voices From Africa" makes sure of that and even more.
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